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Looking for CRM software for a Advertising Sales Rep

I'm looking for a CRM package for a standalone Advertising Sales Rep. I've been comparing ACT!, Goldmine, and Maximizer. All about same price range $200 and all seem to have something interested, but as always seems to be the case none of them have everything I want.

One of the main issues I see (at least reading everyone’s marketing material) is they are all geared towards, finding a lead, working a lead, closing a deal, moving on to the next lead. Typical Sales Cycle. Which isn’t how I work.

So anyway here’s what I’m looking for, hoping to get comments as to which package you feel best fits those needs or if there’s something else out there I need to look at.

1. Working between 500 and 1000 contacts.
2. Selling Advertising in a Bi-Monthly publication
3. Sales Cycle is work renewals, then rework previous contacts that haven’t advertised yet. And of course adding new contacts as well.
4. I want all communication to be available in the contact record, I send an email, write a letter, talk on the phone, bump into them at Starbucks, whatever I want it all on the contact record, including the actual document if its something I created
5. I would like to be able to completely eliminate Outlook, I see lots of talk about sync with Outlook, but I guess I don’t understand what I would still want Outlook at all if I had a CRM with built-in email client
6. Manage Related Task and automatically create communications when possible. For instance there are several related deadline dates with each publication (payment, art work, proof approval, publication, renewal). I would like to be able to track all Sales for this issue and automatically send out reminders for each deadline dates for any sales that have not already done their part for that step. And then of course after publication create a new sales cycle for renewals for those ads and as I mentioned also rework old contacts plus any new ones
7. As I am only responsible for the selling the advertising and collecting artwork etc. I don’t need links to Quickbooks, Web forms, Ecommerce, etc.

While reviewing each products marketing materials the features that catch my eye with each are:

1. Internal ACT! Email Client
2. Schedule Related Activities

1. Link to your phone for incoming calls. Seems like that would be nice for helping get every contact with client into database
2. Document Management – This feature really catch my attention as it seems perfect for storing Media Kit, etc.

1. Automatically send ongoing customer and prospect communication based on user defined criteria with Automated Processes
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