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Reply to "Looking for CRM software for a Advertising Sales Rep"

I was a 10+ year user of Act. The last version that I used was Act 6. It was great. As my business grew, Act 6 didnt really suprt netorked multiple users to the degree that I needed. At that time, they (Sage) was releasing Act 2005. I figured I would try it....absolute garbage. It amazed me that a software vendor would release a product that was so clearly not free of bugs. Instead of fixing it completely, they released Act 2006. (they offered me a "special" upgrade price - how sweet of them!)

At that point, I figured I would try to evaluate Maximizer 8.0. I did, and I hated it BECAUSE I WAS USED TO ACT. Its not that Max was bad, just very different than Act. I made the decision to "bite the bullet" and go with Maximizer 9.0 Enterprize, and for the most part have not regretted it. While I am still not totally used to it, it is a very good and stable package. Here are some of the factors that I considered to make this decision:

1. I wanted to OWN my data. There are many packages that once your data was in, there was really no way of getting it out should you need to switch to another solution down the road. As an extension of this, I immediately eliminated all web based solutions: YOUR data is on SOMEONE ELSE'S computer. For me, my business = my data. Nuff said.

2. I looked for a strong network of specialty consultants. I am not willing to spend big bucks for someone to do everything with my database to get it the way I wanted it. That said, my time is worth something, and so from time to time, I use the services of a Maximizer consultant here in Canada. The operaters of this board are a very good choice for that too. Google "Maximzer consultants".

3. I looked for good user support where I could go and post the odd question, and get an intelligent answer. This board was a large part of my decision to go to Max 9 ent. It is a valuable resource. (BTW - toward the end of me using Act, the board that I looked in on now and then was over run by people like me totally disgusted with the poor quality of ACT 2005. Not much help mostly frustrated ramblings)

4. Ease of searching data and generating reports based on that. Act was good, but max is probably a bit better.

5. Ease of customization ( i.e. -User Defined Fields) Customizing Act was a nightmare. Max is very easy to add a field to.

By the way, Act and max both use Outlook or Outlook express, or any other mail client to do email. It is integrated. In both cases, the "front end" is Maximizer (or Act), but the engine running behind it is the email client of your choice. Again, having used both, I think that Maximzer has a slight edge over Act in this area.

I hope this helped.

BTW, I should add that it is once again just me using the database. Ironically, what got me stared looking in other directions (the need to Network Act) no longer exists for me. I will stay with Maximizer now on principle: Sage, in my opinion felt (and perhaps still feel) that it is more important to continually generate (AND SELL) new editions of their software and NOT to make sure that it works. It is my uderstanding that Act 2007 will be arrivng in stores shortly. That just doest seem right to me. That would be like taking in a 1 year old car for warranty work, and the Auto Manufacturer saying, "no we wont fix it, you need to buy out new model" Huh?
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