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Reply to "mass email"

A couple of points :

1) It helps if you let us know what version of Max you're using

2) You also need to let us know the format of the email you're trying to send out (HTML, etc.); Basically, need more info

3) You should also let us know where you've looked already for help (manual, on-line knowledge base, scanning this forum, etc.) and how it's worked for you

4) You also need to let us know what you've tried on your own and what you've thought of the result

If your "I'm a new user and would appreciate easy step-by-step instructions." request menas you haven't tried anything on your own, please do so before asking for help here. If you have tried things on your own, please ignore this suggestion - and good on you for being willing to get your hands dirty!

- R.
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