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Updating UDF's using the XML wizard or a 3rd party program


I started using Maximizer 3.0 in the early 90's and was a Max loyalist until the version 6.0 debacle. After spending lots of money and time I eventually lost faith in the product and went looking for something else - I wound up switching to Goldmine and currenlty use Goldmine 6.5 on Dbase.

Over the past five years I have found a way to make Goldmine work with me (or me with Goldmine). Recently, I looked at Maximizer 9 as the company I work with hired a new marketing person who is a Maximizer fan. So, after some testing I found the problems of 6.0 appear to ahve been solved but a key function I perform seems to be the issue. Basically, I need to update my company/contact records from my ERP system. In Goldmine, I do this via a Dbase file and use a matching field (customer account number) as the unique identified. Max 9 has this XML/MXI tool that looks like what I want but I couldn't make it work - maybe there is a trick to setting up the XML scheme or something.

I don't care if I use a built-in tool or a 3rd party - has anyone tried to do this and if so, what did/are you use/using and can you please let me know?


Greg Billings

ps - I won't weigh in on the debate between Goldmine and Max - which is better, blah, blah, blah. However, if you are looking at choosing between the two I would be happy to field questions sent to me.
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