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I have recently installed the trial for the latest version. After a two week period I purchase it.
I am running Windows 7 on a brand new 64-bit laptop ( I had to upgrade Maximizer as my CRM 10 would not load onto the 64-bit even though they said it would! )
I am finding odd things happening. When I create an email in Maximizer so that I can track my emails with particular clients it sends through Outlook as normal but the email tracking is where things have changed. Suddenly I am wondering if it's been sent as it doesn't show up in the latest date heading such as Last Week or today but instead in a heading called "None' At first I didn't see this as it was at the very bottom of the list and I questioned if it was sent at all even though it's logged in Maximizer and I could see it in my Outbox in Outlook before it 'disappeared'
Another oddity is when creating an email in Max I cannot enter a Subject until I actually click on the body of the email and go back to the Sugject area where suddenly the curser is able to begin a topic.
Anyone out there having fun too? As another one to play with, I cannot do a backup with Administrator but can with Maximizer running and doing a 'Quick' Backup.
Any input would be helpful and appreciated.
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