Just had a hard drive failure, and as a result also discovered our Max backup didn't work! (nice way to improve your vocabuary, let me tell you!).
Anyway, I've been backing up using MS-Backup and everything restored OK except our main Max database. It appears that it has NEVER backed up successfully. I'm not sure if this is related, but frequently (read: every time I check) in Max Administrator it shows live users in Max companies, yet everyone is off the system. In some cases a user's name can appear twice.
My theory is that Pervasive or Max is somehow failing to close some files in these instances, so MS-Backup is skipping them.
Anyway, what external backup tools & strategies are people using to back up Max data on their servers? Will Veritas work? If so, are specific modules required? What else do people have working?
FYI - We're running 8 users on a Terminal Services system using Pervasive.
TIA - R.
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