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I'm creating an Ongoing Automatic campaign to send a letter off to a new customer, followed by a follow-up call to ensure that they're aware of our full product & service offering.

To do this, I have created the campaign, and a template with the letter that I want to send. I add the test subscriber, and expect that a print job with the test subject's letter will print,so that I can verify the merged fields, etc., but no dice. Actually, for the longest time, the activity showed it was "new", now somehow, it's changed to "In progress", but there's still no print job.

IS the activity of an automated ongoing campaign a remnant of what was originally an email-only campaign? I ask because this activity is a print activity, but it has fields for "Emails Opened", "URL visits" and other such electronic format clues.

Anyway, why isn't my print job printing? I have the Fax/Print service configured and running (afaict) Can anyone help troubleshoot this?
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Still no dice.

I created a new Automated Campaign template that contained one print job, then launched a campaign from it, added myself to the subscribers, and hoped for a better result.

The activity showed status "New" for a while, then "In Progress" but no printing, and no logging of activities to the user (my) notes, despite the option being turned on for the campaign.

I have verified that the "DoNotSolicit" flag for the subscribed user (me) is blank (ie,. not enabled)

I'm using Enterprise 9.5
Thanks Gord. In checking this out, I may have uncovered something odd.

The manual for the diagnostics settings show that I can set log levels for 6 different components, including EmailSvc & PrintFaxSvc. Under the diagnostics tab, though, I don't have the PrintFax (or Email) modules in the drop-down "Preferences for this module" Is that to say that something is missing, or is the PrintFax logging done within another module or facility? I can see activity on the MaMaster Log, but that would be expected, I think.

For the record, The Automated Services Tab shows that the PrintFax Service has preferences, which says to me that it's activated (as well, I have printed labels via Maximizer).
>I don't have the PrintFax (or Email) modules in the drop-down
>"Preferences for this module" Is that to say that something is missing

I would say so. My list has:

Maximizer (AMGR)
Administrator (ADMN)
Email Service (CMGR-Email)
PrintFax Service (CMGR-PrintFax)
MaAccess (MACC)
Outlook / MaxSync for Microsoft Exchange

>as well, I have printed labels via Maximizer

That procedure does not depend on the PrintFax service.
So, my bad, I was looking at the diagnostic log settings on my workstation, not the server. Once I checked them on the server, everything appeared to be copasthetic (sp?).

Interestingly, though, once I got the logging sorted out, I've found that the PrintFax Service is kicking an exception that results in an "ERROR".

I've pasted the log excerpt below, some duplicated lines removed. Is this an install problem? Software bug? Can anyone comment?


CURRENT FILE: workspace_multi.cpp
10:21:09 INFO [Line 1020] Processing workspace 'MainDB'

CURRENT FILE: workspace.cpp
10:21:10 EXIT [Line 802] CWorkspace::GetFaxPrintData
10:21:10 ENTRY [Line 1318] SendFaxPrint()
10:21:10 ENTRY [Line 1525] CWorkspace::MergeMSWordTemplate

CURRENT FILE: workspace_multi.cpp
10:21:10 ERROR [Line 670] EXCEPTION!

CURRENT FILE: workspace.cpp
10:21:10 ENTRY [Line 1318] SendFaxPrint()
10:21:10 ENTRY [Line 1525] CWorkspace::MergeMSWordTemplate

CURRENT FILE: workspace_multi.cpp
10:21:10 ERROR [Line 670] EXCEPTION!
10:21:10 INFO [Line 1097] Workspace 'MainDB' profiling report:
Track Calls Total Own Children
Time Time Time
00 TOTAL 0 0.000s 0.000s 0.000s
01 CAMPAIGN_SELECT 1 0.142s -0.208s 0.350s
02 GET_FIELD_VALUE 8 0.098s 0.000s 0.098s
03 GET_FIELD_VALUE_DB 4 0.098s 0.076s 0.022s
04 EMAILLIB 6 0.066s 0.066s 0.000s
05 ACC_UPDATE 0 0.000s 0.000s 0.000s
06 ADD_NOTE 0 0.000s 0.000s 0.000s
07 CAMP_UPDATE 6 0.044s 0.044s 0.000s
08 CAMP_SET_STATUS 0 0.000s 0.000s 0.000s
09 GET_CLIENT_FIELD 2 0.022s 0.022s 0.000s
10 GET_ADDRESS_FIELD 0 0.000s 0.000s 0.000s
11 PRINT_FAX_CONN 0 0.000s 0.000s 0.000s
12 PRINT_FAX_RESP 0 0.000s 0.000s 0.000s
13 PRINT_FAX_SEND 0 0.000s 0.000s 0.000s
Hmm - Not a silly question...

The server has a default printer configured (which is a different printer than the one I'm using, but that likely doesn't matter). My desktop also has a default printer configured (which is the one that I'm trying to use).

You are talking about the default printer in Windows, not somewhere within Maximizer, correct?

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