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I would like to use the data base as a shell (always same data entries and user-defined fields not filled out) and fill it out or update the infos by adding or changing informations in the user defined-fields but saving those changes future references. I could then re-use the same shell (without any basic infos missing in the entries and have my empty user-defined fields) and re-enter new info for the same people every week. Is Maximizer equiped to do so? Would I then have more than "one" data base? If so, is that a problem (besides for the memory space)?

Take for example MSWord. You can have a "shell" of a table for example and copy it from that one document to another new document without changing any informations from the 1st document and then being able to make different changes and save the new one as an other particular document. Can Maximizer do the same?

I would really need a quick answer on this one please! The sooner I have an answer, the quicklier I will be able to start my business...
Original Post
I'm not sure I've really grasped what your trying to do though you've given a detailed description.

There are lots of ways to do some of these things,

You should look at Default records,
Create duplicate entry, and if its in bulk transfering records from one database to another.

I hope this is of a little help, perhaps if not you could explain a little more about the task


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