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I have many situations where we'd like to add, as a contact, the person in a particular role at a company - we know the company information, and we know that we want to reach, for example, the "Marketing Manager", but there are many cases when we don't know the name of the Marketing Manager.

If I enter the company in the address book, I can send a mailing to that 'contact' and the merge function that I use (into another product) is smart enough to know that the contact isn't a person, so it addresses the piece "Dear Sir or Madam", *but* there is no title - so the piece is addressed to "ABC Corp", rather than "Marketing Manager, ABC Corp"

If, however, I enter a contact record within the Company, and enter the role of Marketing Manager, I can include that in the mailing, *but* I can't have a contact entry without knowing, at least, the last name of the contact.

This is all well and good if I simply enter the role as the name, as in: FName: "Marketing", LName: "Manager" which will address the envelope properly, but it makes for absurd merging when I go for more than just an address block. A letter might have a casual nature, and start "Dear {FName}:" That's fine for the contacts that we know, ("Dear Robert:") but it looks idiotic when we're substituting roles for first & last names ("Dear Marketing:")

So, the question is, is there any way to have a role-based-contact, a contact whose name is unknown?
Original Post
Sounds like some judgement would be required at time of merge even if you have a "role based contact".

I'd break the merge into smaller chunks. Do a large Select to get everyone in the net and save it as a Favourite List (ex Master_Mailer). Then use it, with a combination of of Select > Narrow Results and column sortation/Selection/Make Selected List Current etc. to break out lists that you want to send to that have/don't have proper names in them, or fit whatever other criteria you choose (ex Master_Mailer_no_name, Master_Mailer_with_name, etc.), and use tailored letters with/without names merged into them so they look appropriate.

- R.

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