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In Max 8 I am trying to put together a report. I import the correct tables to be used in the report but when i paste the fields in the report I am getting data in numbers. eg. for Case Type in table AMGR_CSCases I get integer data when I run the report even though we enter it in as text when we are creating cases in Customer Service Module? Any views.
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Probably because the "Case Type" items are stored in a different table. I'm not exactly familiar with the Maximizer database structure, but my guess is that the actual Case Type items are stored in a different table and they're referenced by a foreign key in the AMGR_CSCases table. You'll need to do a join between the CSCases table and whichever other table actually holds the text. Hope that makes sense.
Yes you are right. They are stored in a different table. Now the funny thing is that I got that correct field from different table and put in my report and it worked. But like after 3 or 4 tries now it is not working?? The whole report is blank and I if I remove that field from another table the data shows up in the report???
As per the database documentation

Area = Product which is stored in the AMGR_User_field_defs table with type_id of 60028

class = category also in the AUF table with type_id of 60025

status is a number as well
0 = unassigned
1 = assigned
2 = in-progress
3 = call back
4= wait for cust.
5 = canceled
6 = resolved

that should be all you need, if your not comfortable writing crystal formulas use the views it will be slower but much easier to work with.

PS if your running pervasive save yourself the trouble and get the full version of crystal so you can connect to the MAximizer ODBC driver rather than the pervasive driver, documentation is better and much easier to use.

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