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As a new Maximizer user (former Sharkware user) I'm trying to create a custom report to be filtered by date and lists the activities (ie. email, phone calls, tasks and meetings) I made over a given period of time. I also want any/all notes associated with that specific action in the report as well. However, I can seem to get ReportSmith to access either the notes or list the actual date of any particular activity. Any ideas? I'd even be willing to export the information to Excel and format the report I need from that information. Documentation for ReportSmith doesn't help much.
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Using the KISS principle try the following:

Use your personal journal to track your activities and then generate a report from your journal.

Select: File/Preferences/Logging
Choose the items you want to log and select both. This will track your selected activities in your Personal Journal from which you can generate a report of all tracked activities.

I have a number of sales reps who use this method to e-mail activity reports to their sales managers
You can use Crystal to attach to Maximizer and report, its actually quite easy. It sounds to me like its the type of report you are trying to build that is difficult. Pulling the phone list, hotlist tasks and their associated notes, calandar events, and emials you have sent into the same report. You may want to consider spliting those reports up. Are you associating these with one Company, if not i cant think how off the top of my head you can accomplish that. If by company i see no problem. You can also puchace the Integrators toolkit the manual that comes with it will have the schema neccessary to identify what note types are associated with Hotlist tasks and emails.
Maxman, thanks for your reply. The report is not really that complex. It is just a listing of activities which I had during a given period of time and any notes which I made during those activities. My managment requires us to turn in a weekly activity report - including calls, emails, appointments and other activities. I would think this would be something that most sales people who don't work in an office naturally have to do for their own managment. This is a real negative against this program.

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