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First Question:
When i try to open an e-mail trow maximizer i choose the optio open but notinhg happends.

2ª question:
The users of my maximizer are the same i use in the active director, and that means that the e-mail that maximizer selects is the one associate with the Active Director.
But in some cases i would need to select a diferent e-mail to an user diferent from the defaul. Is that Possible?

Best Regards

Original Post
Originally posted by Sara:

First Question:
When i try to open an e-mail trow maximizer i choose the optio open but notinhg happends.

2ª question:
The users of my maximizer are the same i use in the active director, and that means that the e-mail that maximizer selects is the one associate with the Active Director.
But in some cases i would need to select a diferent e-mail to an user diferent from the defaul. Is that Possible?

Best Regards


Sara, please spell-check your post in Word or something before posting. If you want people to help, you need to make an effort to type entire words and make it easy for them to read, OK?

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