I am trying to compare email tracking features of 7.5 Enterprise with other products.
Some I can find that Maximizer has but others I cannot. Here is my wishlist.
Successful Sent -I know you can open the campaign manager and look at the completed campaign but it showed 1 entry was successful even though it was a purposely invalid email address. We want to know the ones that actually went through.
Bounced email- I have sucessfully gotten it to work.
Opened- Can we tell if the message is opened at the recipients end? It seems to me that is dependent on the recievers software and they could always choose not to send a reply back. SOme programs like Yahoo does not have any capability to send acknowledgements back I think.
Hyperlinks-Can we track whether a client clicked on the hyperlink included in the mail?
New subscribers or Opt-outs: Can these two things be tracked? It does not look like it but I wanted to be sure.
Any help would be appreciated.
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