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Could someone help with this query? Our staff are required to phone 3 companies a day which are logged. We would like to know how to find out which companies have not been phoned in the last 3 weeks? The phone calls are set up as recurring appointments as a daily reminder of who they have to phone and these calls are logged.
Original Post

I'm not sure if you just mean any companies not called in the last three weeks or only those for which a call was scheduled.

NOT type searches are a bit fiddly but can usually be achieved. For example, If you want to know which companies in your database have not had a call to any contact in the last three weeks try this....

Search/Notes for the last three weeks for Phone type notes only with Find Matching all
Search/Retrieve companies
Edit/Select All
Search/Company Name "" (ie. Blank) Add to list, Find Matching Companies only
Edit/Invert Selection
Edit/Make selected list current

You how have the this of companies where no one was called! There are several tricks and techinques used in this rather less than obvious sequence of commands which if you master them will allow you to perfom many searches which at first do not seem to be possible. There are probably also some possible variations to achieve the same result. Sorry I can't go through it step by step in more detail at the moment.

Ian Wallace

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