Originally posted by Teresa:
Thanks GoBlue for the reply, but as I know, "transfer" is trnsferring entries from one address book to the other
You are correct so far...
in the same computer.
Not necessarily. If you can browse to the folder, then so can Maximizer.
Backup your boss' database in case you screw up. Make sure you can browse to his|her database folder in Windows (passwords, etc.).
2. It is probably good to add his|her database folder as a named drive in windows. For instance, say the address book is at \\phbcomputer\documents and settings\microsoft uses really inconvenient folder names\all users\pointy haired boss\application data\Maximizer\address books\Book1
Then pick a letter that is not currently assigned to a drive on your computer. I'll use "P." Set P: to point to \\phbcomputer\documents and settings\microsoft uses really inconvenient folder names\all users\pointy haired boss\application data\Maximizer\address books\
3. Then go to File/New address book and add your boss' database so it will appear in your "Global List." If you've done the last step, you would add it as P:\Book1
FYI, you don't need a separate computer to be the server. If you use a desktop PC, then your computer can be the server (and it doesn't have to be fast).
If you only enter the entries, then you might be OK the way you are, but if you are both editing people, then it can get messy without synchronization.
What's funny is that Maximizer's sales people will almost fight you if you have only a few users because their "marketing demographic positioning" said "Enterprise is for large companies with more than X users." The PRACTICAL REALITY is that if you have more than one person monkeying with the database, you really need synchronization.