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Hi all ,

I recently ordered Maximizer 9 to upgrade 10 computers connected together that have Maximizer 8

i might do the implementation in the next couple of days and a bit worried of loosing contact details or important data while doing the process.

i recall i should uninstall Max 8 completely and reinstall max 9 is that correct? (in the users guide it was mentioned that i can keep the previous version & install the new version without uninstalling (let me know what should b done..i am still not very familiar with all the admin settings as well)

i am the administrator of maximiser) should my computer/server be a fixed gateway to all workstations in the company? or its not required?

any advice i can get to minimize risk?
i was having a look on the users guide
most important thin is to backup all contact details /address books is that correct?

should i do the step by step implementation while staying on the phone with the customer technical support department?
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Please remember that I am a user with some technical background, not an administrator. Also, my responses are based on using Pervasive Workgroup and Maximizer, not Maximizer Enterprise. Finally, I've running Max 7 and have upgraded Max 5 to Max 6 and Max 6 to Max 7, but never beyond that.

Having said that, I have installed Max several times myself, so here goes :

1) Make a full backup of your data first, and test the backup by creating a new Max company that accesses the backup; This is Systems 101, BUT DON'T SKIP THIS STEP

2) Make a second backup and test it THOROUGHLY the same way - use this backup to practise the upgrade, and at each step make detailed notes that you can use not just to perform the real upgrade, but also for later troubleshooting in the event of a problem; DON'T SKIP THIS STEP EITHER

3) Personally, I would uninstall Max 8 completely first; The standard software uninstall won't do this, check the Support Knowledgebase for a document that gives full instructions - I know there's one there for Max 7 that should apply at least partially to Max 8 as well

4) For 10 users you should have a dedicated server, and a fixed gateway on that server

5) You should not need to be on the phone with Tech Support through each step of the upgrade - and I don't think it would happen anyway; The key is Step 2 - by the time you're practised the upgrade 2 or 3 times and taken detailed notes you should be ok

Good luck!

- R.

1- what type of notes should i usually take?

2-if i uninstall and reinstall first on my computer (before moving to the next 10 computers in the office) by retrieving the address book
would al my administrator settings come back as well? or those are reset to default again? (because if they are are..i'll then have to take down notes of how they were before)

3- would all the users (usernames and passwords) who had access to maximiser will have their's reset as well? i'll have to assign them again to them?

Bruno, no disrespect but if you're asking these types of questions you will need help with your upgrade. The points I'd made are quite straight forward, and for sure there will be things that occur that are complex or surprising - it happens with all upgrades.

My strong recommendation would be to find a local Business Partner and get them to do the upgrade. As a new Max Admin you may want to work with them to get some pointers and experience.

To answer your specific questions :

1) Should i do the full backup by going through File=> quick backup

A : I wouldn't. I would copy the contents of the Address Book folder you're going to upgrade into another folder

2) do i do it twice the same way ?

A : I would. Otherwise you'd have to test each backup as one working is no guarantee another made using a different technique is working.

3) how do i create a new Max company? (just a normal folder?

A: Use File - New Address Book, pointing to the folder where the copy of the original Address Book is

4) how do i test the backup by retrieving it again?

A: Open the new Address Book created in #3 and see if you can read the data, if your reports work, if the record counts are the same, etc.

1- what type of notes should i usually take?

A: Detailed, but not overly so. Capture key decisions, key data, etc.

2-if i uninstall and reinstall first on my computer (before moving to the next 10 computers in the office) by retrieving the address book would al my administrator settings come back as well? or those are reset to default again? (because if they are are..i'll then have to take down notes of how they were before)

A: This is the kind of thing you test with your copy - along with all the other data you want to be sure is maintained. I don't know the answer as I haven't ever upgraded to Max 9.

3- would all the users (usernames and passwords) who had access to maximiser will have their's reset as well? i'll have to assign them again to them?

A: This is the kind of thing you test with your copy - along with all the other data you want to be sure is maintained. I don't know the answer as I haven't ever upgraded to Max 9.

- R.

actually i did the upgrade(im still working on it right now on the reamining of the computers (i upgraded 5 of 10)
-the address book is 100% retrieved , nothing at all is missing from the database.

but im being faced with tougher problems such as the Pervasive Database.
when i upgraded to maximizer 9 i upgraded the pervasive.SQL database engine as well then what i did is install Java (JRE) to make the Pervasive Database Run smoothly

so the problem i am facing now is this:

1- when i disconnect or exit Maximiser (the pervasive database keeps running)
when i try to shut down a workstation sometimes i get this message (i attached it)if i quit
i then get on another computer this message
"The microkernel router detected an Invalid session ".

is that a gateway problem??

the address book is on a G: Drive shared by the whole company.


Images (1)
  • SQL-maximizer_error
>I think this the error message that appears when you quit Windows.

Yes, the warning message that appears on shutdown is documented here. However, the "invalid session" errors on the other machines indicate a "gateway problem". Either:

- the gateway is floating, which it shouldn't, or

- the gateway is fixed and they are shutting that machine down when people are trying to use the database.
Hello Gord,

thanks for your reply Smileand the link you gave me ! i copy pasted it below,

When the computer is shutting down the following warning message appears:

Remote and/or local applications are active and connected to the Pervasive database. Use the Pervasive Monitor utility to view the active Microkernel users.
If you choose to continue shutting down, applications will fail with unpredictable results and the system may not be properly cleaned up. Continue shut down?

This warning message appears because the Operating System is attempting to stop the Pervasive.SQL Workgroup Engine while applications are connected to it or the Pervasive Replication event handler mechanism is still holding files open

To prevent this message from appearing, close all applications that use the Pervasive.SQL Engine and allow some time for the Pervasive.SQL Workgroup Engine to shut down automatically, before shutting down the Operating System

<== how can i know what applications are using the Pervasive.SQL?
before i uninstall maximiser and when i was working on version 8! i used to exit the software and shut down automatically. nothing used to happen Frown
any possibility of setting the Pervasive.SQL to stop running once i exit the database?
Originally posted by ozzy75:

I think this the error message that appears when you quit Windows. To avoid this message, the best is to run pervasive as a service.

This error message has not not been resolved by Pervasive isnt it?



hi ozzy !!

i am not sure if those are the reasons why this message comes there
1- If i shutdown the pervasive.sql and keep maximizerrunning ..the error popup
2- If a pervasive.sql is running not in a pre-load status and we shut it down it leads to that error on another computer (not sure..)
3- or maybe its a gateway problem
"The microkernel router detected an Invalid session"

rooster i am so worried about this error !

i remember when i was uninstalling max8 for the computers i saw the Pervasive.sql 8 and components of it (such as a Mikrokernel patch or addon installed as well) but those got automatically removed when i uninstalled max8 and got replaced with max9 and the pervasive.sql 9

you rekon a patch is the solution?

another alternative is probably the gateway (whether it should be floating or fixed) !
sometimes the pervasiv.sql is in a "pre load" status and sometimes in "running mode.

Ozzy is right that the warning message on shutdown can be avoided by setting up the Pervasive Workgroup Engine to run as a service. Instructions on how to do that are in the Pervasive Knowledge Base in article ID psql1828.

The "invalid session" errors are likely the result of the gateway machine being shut down while others are still connected to the Maximizer database. Check your configuration against the Maximizer documentation, paying special attention to the section on the gateway settings.
Originally posted by Gord:
Ozzy is right that the warning message on shutdown can be avoided by setting up the Pervasive Workgroup Engine to run as a service. Instructions on how to do that are in the Pervasive Knowledge Base in article ID psql1828.

The "invalid session" errors are likely the result of the gateway machine being shut down while others are still connected to the Maximizer database. Check your configuration against the Maximizer documentation, paying special attention to the section on the gateway settings.

gord, there is only one page on the maximizer manual that explains the difference between a floating gateway and a fixed gateway with a minor explanation of the pervasive.sql. i am sure as well that the problem comes from the gateway settings or something similar should i run it as a service?
Gord, i clicked on the link. this documentation has been last updated in 2002. is it still relevant to use today on maxxi9 and the pervasvie.sql 9? am i meant to delete completely the pervasive.sql engine databse? there is an option that says "run all engines"and "stop all enginës" isnt it risky to do that? or i just follow the steps and do it on each and every computer?

ID: psql1828
Configure Workgroup or Workstation Engine to run as a Service under Windows NT, 2000, XP

Problem Description:
Configure Workgroup or Workstation Engine to run as a Service under Windows NT, 2000, XP

Problem Environment:
Pervasive.SQL 2000i WG

Pervasive.SQL 2000i WS

Service Pack 4

Microsoft Windows NT 4.0

Microsoft Windows 2000

Microsoft Windows XP

This enables the Workgroup or Workstation Engine to load automatically and to be available regardless of whether or not a user is logged in to the workstation. This procedure applies only to Pervasive.SQL 2000i SP4 or later.


1. Remove the Workgroup/Workstation Engine from the Startup menu.

Click Start > Programs > Startup. Right-click on "Pervasive.SQL Workgroup Engine"
or "Pervasive.SQL Workstation Engine" then click Delete.

Ensure that you remove the Workgroup/Workstation Engine from all of the Startup
menus. For example, on Windows NT, check the Profiles Startup menu for All Users
as well as the profiles for other users.

2. Copy SRVANY.EXE and SRVINSTW.EXE to the subject computer's windows system
directory. For example, to "C:\WINNT\System32." These programs are included on the
Windows NT 4.0 Resource Kit CD. They may also be downloadable from Microsoft.

Install following either step 3 or step 4.

3. Install SRVANY.EXE as a service using the Service Creation Wizard.
a. Click Start -> Run.
b. Type "SRVINSTW.EXE" (without the quotes) in the Open box and click OK.
c. Select "Install a service" and click Next.
d. Select "Local Machine" and click Next.
e. Type in Pervasive.SQL 2000 Workgroup as the Service name and click Next.
NOTE: You may use any name you choose provided the name does not
contain any reserved characters like "\".
f. Enter the complete path to the SrvAny tool's executable, for example,
C:\WINNT\System32\srvany.exe and click Next.
g. Select "Service is its own process" and click Next.
h. Select "System Account".
i. Check "Allow Service to Interact with Desktop". If you prefer not to have the icon appear,
leave this box unchecked. Click Next.
j. Select "Automatic" and click Next.
k. Click Finish. The wizard should indicate that the service was successfully installed.
Click OK to clear the dialog.

4. Alternately to Step 3, install SRVANY.EXE as a service using INSTSRV.EXE.

Type the following at a command prompt:

instsrv "Pervasive.SQL 2000 Workgroup" c:\winnt\system32\srvany.exe

The completion message is "The service was successfully added!"

5. Open the Services dialog. (For example, on Window NT click Start > Settings > Control Panel,
then double-click Services.)
a. Click on the service you added in Step 3 or 4 (Pervasive.SQL 2000 Workgroup, for example).
b. Click Startup (for NT). For XP and Windows 2000, right-click, then click Properties.
c. Click (enable) the option Allow Service to Interact with Desktop. This option applies to
Log On As System Account.
d. Click OK.
e. Click Close.

Note: A valid user name and password are required to access
Pervasive.SQL databases on another machine. "System Account"
has no rights on other machines to Pervasive.SQL databases.
If you want the Pervasive Workgroup/Workstation service to
access databases on another machine, then you must specify a
valid user name and password for the other machine. For step 5c,
check the option This Account on the Log On As section and
specify a valid user name and password.

6. Use Regedit to configure SvrAny to execute the Workgroup/Workstation Engine by
adding a new key and values for that key.

WARNING: Using the Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious, system-wide problems
that may require you to reinstall the operating system to correct them. Pervasive
Software does not guarantee that any problems resulting from the use of the
Registry Editor can be solved in any way other than by reinstalling the operating system.
Use this tool at your own risk!

a. Select the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Pervasive.SQL 2000 Workgroup

NOTE: This example assumes that you named the service "Pervasive.SQL 2000 Workgroup."
If you chose a different name in Step 3 or 4, then the registry key will have that name
instead of "Pervasive.SQL 2000 Workgroup."

b. Add a new key named "Parameters"
c. Select the Parameters key just created.
d. Add a new REG_SZ value named "Application"
e. In the Data field for "Application" type in the complete path to the Engine's
executable (W3DBSMGR.EXE). If you performed a default installation of the
Pervasive.SQL 2000 Workgroup Engine, type in c:\pvsw\bin\w3dbsmgr.exe
f. Select the Parameters key created in Step 6b.
g. Add another new REG_SZ value named "AppParameters"
h. In the Data field for "AppParameters" type in -SRDE -SERVICE
hey guys u know wut i found out ?

the following day after i installed maxi on 5 of the 10 computers (i wasnt in the office)
they tried to lunch maxi, no one was able to. one of th staff told me that they had to log in from my computer , launch maximizer so that they were able to access and log in to maximizer from the other computers!

that is so weird, it didnt happen to me when i installed and tested the softwares! Confused
Originally posted by ozzy75:
Hi bladewarior,

Thr is an other procedure to do that. You can download a tool that put WGE as a service without other config.

just take a look at :

The name is : pvsw.exe.



ozzy thanks for the link , i clicked on it and went through the tools. i found PVSWTIME.EXE (uploaded in 2003) and not PVSW.exe is it important that i do that on each and every computer..would it remove the error thing and make computers run as a service??
you know the maximizer support team sent me some .DLL files last monday to put in the c:\PVSW folder but the error didnt dissapear

when i was uninstalling maximizer 8 from the control panel from the other computers some/if not all of the computers had the following addons for the pervasive .sql
1- pervasive.sql workgroup 8.10
2- pervasive.sql workgroup V8.1 microkernel fix
3- pervasive.sql V8.10 SQl /ODBC hotfix
4- and some the Pervasive System Analyser

looks like the one's who were before me installed all those to fix up maximizer 8 and make it run smoothly on all computers

what do you rekon aussie?

Last edited by bladewarrior

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