I am using Max 9 SR1 (not Ent) with a db that has just under 5000 contacts. Because they were imported from Outlook, they are imported as company/individual records. So my Maximizer DB is "flat". No heirarchy of company/contacts. That's not a problem, since I'm used to Outlook anyway.
I did a re-install of Maximizer 9 and that helped a little with the boot speed. Max 9's support said initial loads can be slow, so I think I'm going to have to accept that.
But I have found that when I have Outlook and Maximizer both open, and I am using Maximizer (completing tasks, reading email, scheduling appts), it seems to freeze up. Usually *not* when I'm actually in the application, but instead when I go off to do something in Outlook or Word. When I try to go back to Maximizer, it is unresponsive and I have to use Task Manager to kill it and re-start.
Anyone else see this type of behavior?