We have the following problem:
SQL Server
Hardware HP DL360 4G Ram
OS Windows 2003 Server Latest SP
Running SQL 2005 latest SP
Max Exchange Server
OS Windows 2003 Server Latest SP
Hardware HP DL380 4G Ram
Running MaxExchange Server Sp1, Sr1 for SP1
We discvered that when we imported about 150 companies with :-
3600 Contacts
17000 UDF's
8000 Notes
The SQL server runs at 100% for about 3 days!
The import takes an acceptable amount of time - about an hour. But when we process data packets after the import has finished it grinds to a halt at 100%.
We have 70 Remotes and each one takes nearly 1.5 hours to process.
The early part of the cycle per remote is fast, it is just the last part "moving transactional records" that is hitting the SQL server. There is no activity or very little by spdm.exe on the Max exchange server and I/O on this server only occurs when the packets are being created.
All the activity is on the SQL.exe prcess on the SQL server. As the system processes the number of transasctions build. to about 31,000 transactions in the 6 tables that Maximizer uses.
Nothing at all, not even I/O really occurs on the server. It's just the processor at 100%.
We looked at the sql blocks and locks and it's not waiting for anything to happen. It's like it just has a very large amount of work to do.
It has been taking about 3 days for the amount of data stated above and as I said about 1hr 30 per remote site.
There is no corruption and once the time has expired the transaction tables are zero again and the server is back to normal. During the 100% SQL busy state no one of our 30 or so office users can get any sort of connection to the database using the LAN DSN connection.
We checked network i/o and dns and ip resolution between the servers and have come to the point of the following possible scenarios.
1. SQL has just too much work to do
2. Our database has some sort of corruption
3. Max9.5 Does not work well with SQL2005
We have eliminated the following:-
1. Server overheating
2. Bios not up to date
3. OS not up to date
4. Server underpsec
5. SQL not optimised
We have set up an identical test system and loaded the database onto this system which gives the same results in taking days to process and create the packets.
Any advice gladly received.
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