It appears that when one constructs a more detailed merge where the resulting codes wrap to the next line within Word - a merge to a list of address book entries may not finish.
For example, I've used the If..Then..Else functionality within Word to construct a merge with Max whereby say:
IF MaxUDF1 operator condition "MaxUDF2" "MaxUDF3"
Where MaxUDF1 is the expression, MaxUDF2 is the result if true, MaxUDf3 is the result if false.
The merge works fine for individual merges but if I'm merging to a list of 30 like I was today - 4 address book entries may print then the merge stops, restart it and 2 may print, the 3rd attempt maybe 6. The testing I did afterwards revealed that as long as the total length of the merge coding viewable by selecting Tools/Options and selecting "Show Field Codes" didn't wrap to the next line the merge to list would complete. As soon as any of the coding wrapped the erratic behaviour appeared.
Has anyone else experienced this? If so, have you come up with a workaround? Hopefully, I've provided enough detail. I actually don't think it's a specific problem associated with Max rather something maybe with Word???
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