Maximizer Enterprise 8 with all updates.
I am trying to connect a new laptop so that they can download the database refresh. I have never had this problem before. We connect through the FTP protocol. I enter his address book Id, and I connect fine. Maxexchange downloads the refresh and then it says that the connection to the FTP server worked and it is ready to be processed. If I click on the Process packets button, the program trys to connect to outlook and outlook gives me the error saying that a program is trying to connect to my address, do I want to allow this, for how long. If I say Yes for 10 minutes, maxexchange freeses and I have to end the process.
I think that it is trying to connect via e-mail. If I go and check to see the syncronized folders, all that it shows is the name of the address book and all of the rest of the information is blank. None of the FTP information is there. What I do not understand is why the program is not processing the packet that it just downloaded. If I go and check in the Inbox, the files are there.
Any help with this would be great. I have been working on this for some time and I cannot find the answer.
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