I've used Palm integration for about 1 1/2 years. It's a bit of a pain to get it working (lots of little steps) and definitely requires advance planning and a structured process. Once it's going it's pretty stable - periodically I get duplicated entries in To-Do list and Address Book, but it's not serious enough I've spent cycles troubleshooting it. The biggest drawback is in Notes - Max allows multiple per Address Book entry, Palm only allows one. Another, smaller one, is the description field in the To-Do entries is MUCH smaller in Max than the Palm - leads to the need to all kinds of creative abbreviations. Another small point is that recurring entries made in the Palm need to be deleted and re-created in Max ... the Sync warns you, but it means you have to read the messages generated after every sync. Another point is that Palm allows To-Do's to have a category and a priority, but the priority can only be 1-5. That works if you use the TmeText style of time management (I use priority to describe the type of To-Do, where a 1 is done during the day, a 4 at night, and a 5 is one I'm waiting to get a message back from someone regarding; Then I use the user-defined category to represent the order of importance of my T-Do's within each type). However, Max only has one field which is hard coded to sync to the Palm priority. That means Max's wonderfully flexible user-defined priority codes are limited to the characters 1-5 and will be forcibly reset every thime you sync to the Palm.
Bottom line? I look with longing at friends running iPaq's with Pocket Outlook. Max is way better than Outlook as a sales force automation tool - except for this. The folks at Max would have a KILLER app if they wrote Max native for the Palm with tight syncronization to the desktop version. Syncing to PDA's plagues every single sales force automation package out there, from Siebel to Oracle - Outlook's the best there is currently, simply due to Pocket Outlook. We need Palm Max.
- R