Using Max/MaxLink 7 with Zire 71.
I've been using Max on my personal PC for years without security enabled and syncing to my Palm successfully. However, I've finally woken up and decided I should maybe password Max to protect some of this personal info (I know, I know ...).
Anyway, when I enabled security and created a user, none of my Tasks or Appointments synced to the new user. They appear when I log in as MASTER , so I guess I can simply log in as MASTER each day but I'd prefer to have a separate user. I also thought of manually assigning all my Tasks to the new user ID, but don't want to go back into my history to do all that - nor can I seem to do it with Appointments at all. I can't find anywhere that you can set which Max ID the Palm syncs to, and there's nothing I've found in the Max knowledge base or on here.
Is anyone else syncing successfully to multiple user ID's in Max? If so, how do you control what ID you sync to?
Also, has anyone enabled security and then successfully synced a Palm to a new Max user ID? If so, how did you manage the migration?
TIA - R.
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