Many companies I work with have multiple locations. Each location has a different phone and fax, and may also have different user-defined fields associated with it.
Due to the problems with phones and such, I just set them up as different companies, i.e.,
IBM - Armonk
John Anderson
Brian Asperger
IBM - Boca Raton
Jeb Bush
Jim Bakker
IBM - Minneapolis
Ian Murray
Gordon McMaster
This works pretty well, but the org chart feature is kind of nice.
What would you do if Ian Murray reports to John Anderson and Brian Asperger reports to Jim Bakker? Since each location is a separate company, the "reports to" doesn't include people from other companies.
Would you just use "related entries" or something?
(Also, like to my previous question, what if Gordon McMaster gets transferred to Boca Raton? This is less important than the more general case of a contact moves to a new, unrelated company.)
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