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I am new to Max. I know all fonctions in theory, but how to really use them? I would need a walkthrough procedure on opportunity and note. My questions
When a person call and want to have a estimate, I write into phone all detials right, because the client call.
Then I create a opportunity. But when I work on this opportunity how will I remember what was the client want, because I work alot on that opportunity I can't find out anymore where is I first talk to that client, what he really want.
Solution is to write all again (again again again) into opportunity comment.
But if the client call to make a change I will write everything into phone call.
But I will have difficulty to find out that note back, I will have to read all them over and over.
So I will go right back whant client want into Opportunity comment.
After 2 weeks I can see more than 50 notes, what it is really important in all that? Who know? And this is not all, if I make a mistake and want to change a task, he will create a task and call it TAKS MODIFIED. I change note 5 time, then I see 5 notes modified. I DON'T NEED TO KNOW THAT. I just one to see 1 note that is updates.
Anyone know what I am talking about, if there is 1 000 000 user, how do they work with it? There must be a way. Eek Smile
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