I'm sorry to start this as a new post, but after spending 4.5 hours on this computer trying to work out this problems I'm frazzled.
I used Maximizer, as I stated in another post, since 1997.
I have always loved the product and didn't run into any problems to speak of until I bought this Palm pilot.
I needed the Palm because a laptop was overkill for my requirements.
Anyway, after first installing the Palm software and then the Maxlink I seemed to have a problem where the address book got corrupted.
There was never an option to have the Palm overwrite Max 8 so I downloaded all the information I had into Outlook 2003 until I could figure out what was going on.
Anyway, I didn't find the problem and ended up using Outlook for about the last 2.5 months.
I wanted to go back to Max 8 if possible, but as I say you can't overwrite Max 8 with the Palm or at least that option doesn't seem to be apparent.
So I found an old backup of Max 8 and restored it from back in November. The file seemed OK except for not having the contact information from the last 2.5 months.
I tried to sync the 2 and that didn't go well and the MaxLink Docs recommend that you overwrite the Palm. I did that because I still have all the files in Outlook and can update over time, but my problems see to go on from there.
In Outlook there is a distinct Notes area which syncs with my notes on the Palm
There is Task for Memos and so on. It's very compatible back and forth whether you are downloading from the Palm to Outlook or vice versa.
In Max 8 I don't have any idea where the Notes are going as after overwriting the Palm all the note disappear even though I still have notes for most contacts. Also, I hope it doesn't take all the notes for all the contacts and list them under the Palm notes and it would be a huge file.
The Memos are all gone out of the Palm too and I don't even know for sure what is suppose to go in there, I thought it was the Hotlist.
There is pros and cons to everything and I don't like how "bloated" Outlook is. Maximizer has always been my choice. I also find the backup utility in Max superior to Outlook, but the truth of the matter is integration between Outlook and the Palm seems IMO to be superior to that of Max 8 and the Palm.
Anyone who can share some input on this would be welcomed.
P.S. According to the Users Manual for Max 8 if you want to export data from Outlook for Max 8 they say to export it in the dbase format. Unfortunately, this isn't one of the options in Outlook 2003.
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