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Under Edit/Format, I have customized an inside address format, which I realize is stored in the Maximizer field known as Name_and_Address. Within that field, every component field ends in a question mark to skip it if blank. Maximizer is even nice enough to not put blank lines if a person doesn't have a particular field.

The problem is that I want two versions of this: one for inside address, which includes telephone and email, and another for envelopes, which would omit these (among other differences).

Two issues so far:
1. I cannot get Word to treat the single {Name_and_Address} field as a single paragraph: if I format it with a margin and go to the next or previous person in a list, it puts different lines of the address at different parts of the page.
[Solved (corrected): If you have something that doesn't change (like a return address) and a Maximizer field (like the destination address), apply the margin you want the Maximizer stuff to have to the entire page. Then give the PARAGRAPH of non-Maximizer stuff (like return address) a NEGATIVE margin. The previous suggestion, different margins for different sections, inserted a page break.]

2. How to skip blank fields in Word? If I don't use "Name_and_Address," but put each field separately, I'm getting blank spaces if a person doesn't use a middle name, and blank lines if they have only a one-line address, etc.
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Original Post
OK, I didn't get the MERGEFIELD field that exists in Word to work (see its /b and /f options). I think it probably wouldn't work, since it expects to read from a file, not use DDE (but I'm not qualified to say definitively).

Otherwise, you can try putting the Maximizer merge statements inside Word IF {} statements. I would like to copy an example, but it's copying the data rather than the codes (part of the reason I gave up!). It's an extremely painful process, due to the multiple layers of toggling field code vs field data, and due Word's (apparent) two types of curly braces, etc. I highly recommend hitting the paragraph mark on the Word toolbar to show spaces and paragraph lines.

One statement would look like this (spaces represented by periods and newlines by ^J for clarity)

This basically says "if the Maximizer Position is not blank (note the single space between the quotes), insert it and a newline (the ^J). Otherwise, just go on. You would then have to put your next field IMMEDIATELY after this one (without pressing enter) or you will get an extra blank line.

Unfortunately, this "don't insert extra spaces or returns" doesn't work until you've opened a record with every Maximizer field filled. I guess it initializes the DDE or something.

What I decided to do instead:
I set up the File/Preferences/Format to what I want Word to do on an envelope. So Word simply inserts the {Name_and_Address} virtual field and Max takes care of avoiding extra spaces and newlines.

I then changed my default * Letter template in the Maximizer Word Processor to be the formatting codes that I want for the inside address. This works because the Max word processor honors the magic question mark thing.

I'm going to go breathe now. Razz

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