Max Ent 5.0 for SQL
We are setting up a Maximizer database which will primarly be used for mail merges. In our earlier systems (eg Word mail merges from Excel) we had fixed mailing lists.
I would like to set up a system where we can dynamically query the database to generate a mail-out. So far I have only been able to get my head around a 2 dimensional matrix-- 1) What does our client do? and 2) What is it that we do that might interest them?
So say we had identified a fault in an electrical appliance. In the first UDF we might select "Manufacturer", "Importer", "Distributor", "Retailer". And in the second UDF we would select "Electrical Appliance".
Sounds simple yes? But once we had a brain-storming session to nut out all of our client types the list became way too long. I have been trying to think of perhaps a third dimension to the matrix. Or perhaps there is an entirely different way of doing things. I am open to suggestions. TIA
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