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I would like to know this as well. I'm looking for what I am missing- if there's a timer, and even the phone notes feature- there is then a corresponding way to see a tabulation/summary/graph/report of the results of the note-taking or timing- for a day, a week, a month, or a year- but how? i.e. how many notes per week? how many calls per day? month? total time of all calls for the week? etc. is it accessed through the graphing or reports better?
I switch to Max 9. There is Crytal Report. I woulder if into note or something else there is the data we are looking for into DatabaseExpert?
Ultimatly I would do a report for a particular opportunity that will calculate all timed + all phone time for a customer.
That will tell me total time passed on a customer, maby after I would be able to tell how much time I have pass over the phone into a year, how much time on working on customer for sale, for service. Big Grin
Here's a sample to get you started:

The following Crystal Reports formula field (Basic syntax) will extract the duration (hours, minutes, seconds) from a timed note and convert it to seconds.

Dim a, i, j, hh, nn, ss
a = "Duration: "
i = InStr({NOTES.Text}, a) + Len(a)
j = InStr(i, {NOTES.Text}, ":")
hh = Mid({NOTES.Text}, i, j - i)
i = j + 1
nn = Mid({NOTES.Text}, i, 2)
i = i + 3
ss = Mid({NOTES.Text}, i, 2)
formula = (Val(hh)*3600) + (Val(nn)*60) + Val(ss)

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