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Hi Everyone,

I feel there is some extra confusion when running / installing Maximizer under Windows 2000 / NT. In my experience there are problems which occur installing Maximizer with incorrect component versions on machines, and there are problems that are due to incorrect permissions being set at the time of install or when the program is being run.

In respect to the component versions I find that Windows 2000 is very easy to install Maximizer onto, with Windows 98Se being a second favorite. Most of the problems occur when trying to install onto old machines, Windows 95 machines which have had several generations of software installed over them. If you start with a good system then you will have very few problems component wise.

Permissions add to the confusion under Windows 2000 or NT, if you install as anything other than the Adminstrator of the local machine (note this maybe different to the Domain adminstrators account) then you risk having problems with unregistered Ole components etc, these will not immediately become apparent however in future when you try and use them it will come back to haunt you. The other problem with Win 2K / NT is ensuring that the users have sufficient rights for the program to actually run, they for instance will need full access to some areas of HKlocal Machine for Maximizer to run.

The problem really is that the permissions errors on the surface of it do not appear in any other way to what could be a component error and this is what can make installing onto Win 2k difficult.

I hope this clears up a few mysteries,


Nick Welburn
CABC Support Manager
We are NT/2000 and networking experts. Permissions was explained to us to be the key thing when installing on 2000, so we granted everyone on the network full Administrator and Domain Administrator rights - both when installing and subsequently. Not very secure though is it?

The list of problems we have encountered is considerable and the support we have gained from our reseller and mutiactive has been disgraceful.

For the price of this product we expect more.

Service Pack 1 did nothing to resolve any of our problems.

If anyone knows how to get proper support / has direct access to multiactive I would be grateful for some advice.

I have not encountered any error codes with my Maximizer. It was a straight installation of Maximizer 5.0 on Windows 2000. The person who works on the helpdesk has full administrator rights. The problem is that when you go to open an address book entry you cannot see the text of the address book you want to open. You can scroll up and down these blank entries and open the address books, but unfortunately you can't see what you're opening. Everything else works fine as far as i'm aware, but i cannot figure this out for the life of me. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Thanks.
Hi John,

Were busy having an argument about your problem in the office, I think you mean that when you go to File/open address book you can't see what is in the list of address books you could open is this correct. David reckons that you can't see the actually entries in the database, To fix Davids problem you probably need to check out your column layouts.

To fix my problem I think from memory you are running the SQL version of Maximizer, to open the file Mxzdir.dat (the file that contains the database names and locations) Maximizer still uses Btrieve. Due to a legacy problem with code in the routine that is executed to open this file I think you probably need to copy a couple of files that I can supply you into the Maxmizer install directory. If I have correctly guessed what is going on then Email me at and I will happily try to sort your problem out for you. If not then I guess it looks like I'm definitley off on one today smile, Sorry.

Best Regards,

Nick Welburn
CABC Support Manager

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