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Hi folks

We currently have several 'network' address books under Maximizer Enterprise 2000 5.5, with Pervasive 2000.sql on NT at the backend; total of 15-20 clients using WinNT4, most of them travelling laptop users.

Currently one of the address books is 'shared' to the remote users via a dedicated MaxExchange Server.

We've now been asked to 'share' a second address book to these *same* users:

1. Do I need a second, dedicated PC to act as its MaxExchange server?

2. Do I need to install a second copy of MaxExchange Remote on the clients, and if so are there any special config changes needed?

Thanks in advance for any advice!


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Hi James,

To sync more than one database you'll need more than one Max Exchange Server PC. You could of course possibly consider merging the two databases, but I don't know enough to be abale to say if this would make any sense. For example, there's usually little problem with merging a database of suppliers with a database of customers. However, I understand it may not be that simple.

At the remotes they should be able to receive data from more than one database server without any special configuration though I think there are very few people who've actually used this feature!


Ian Wallace
Newbury, UK
>At the remotes they should be able to receive data from more than one
>database server without any special configuration though I think
>there are very few people who've actually used this feature!

I've only tried it once and it didn't work. It was with MaxExchange 5.01 using FTP as the transport mechanism. As soon as I added the IP address of the second server MaxExchange Remote stopped communicating with the first. Maximizer Support could not explain why and said all we could to was reset MaxExchange and try again. Rather than risk yet another refresh of the first database (~1GB) later on, we decided to maintain separate MaxExchange Remote machines for each database.

YMMV, of course.

[This message has been edited by Gord Thompson (edited 17 May 2001).]
>should I install a second copy of Remote to a different location on
>the client? Will the two copies keep their registry entries separate?

No. I asked Maximizer Support about that, too. They suggested dual-booting to two separate installs of Win9x, each with its own copy of MaxExchange. That was no good for us because we wanted both databases to be synchronized automatically twice a day. Hence the two separate machines.
Heaven forbid! The machines are multiplying!

The Server software uses its registry in such a way that you must install on 2 PCs.

The remote software puts almost all of the key details of the synced sites in MXZREM and therefore you should be able to manage a list of several synced sites at one remote without a major headache. I say it should..

Dual boots! its not really practical. I would suggest a good trail. Set up a little trial to see how you get on. MXZREM keeps a seperate packet counter, IP addresse, and database path for each Synched database.

Both Sites must use the same ftp Port number but apart from that it should be OK.


Ian Wallace
Newbury, UK

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