After completion of the Wizard and uploading to the Web Server of the form is done, does the SMTP mail server you have entered into the HTML of the form page (or the ISP that hosts it) allow you to use it as a relay? or is it your own SMTP mail server (in which case is it configured correctly)
With a few minor tweeks to the HTML the NT webform works fine on an NT box, as long as you can relay emails.
The UNIX webform works just as well (including when Relay enabled), BUT is dependant on whether your ISP (if it isn't your Web Server) enables access to a CGI-BIN folder and allows Perl script to be executed (this will also need a Perl interpreter on the Server)
I beleive the CHMOD permissions for the CGI folder on UNIX via FTP are 755 (Owner Read, Write and Excecute) (Group and other Read and Execute)
where to find the Perl interpreter? In most Perl scripts the beginning of the Script will look like this:
(the location USUALLY of an interpreter, ask your ISP if it is or isn't here)
This statement is already in the script produced by the Web Form wizard, but will need to be modified if your Perl Interpreter is in a different place.
CABC Support
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