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It is Maximizers normal practise to support the current version and the previous version. As the current version is Maximizer 12, Maximizer 11 will be supported until the release of Maximizer 13?

Entreprenuer releases typically follow shortly after the release of a major version of the new product which in the past has occurred every 12-18 months. On this basis Version 11 might be considered nearing the end of its life. However, the release programme for the main product now has changed to more frequent releases and at present we have no indication of when a new version of Entrepreneur might be expected.

So I think you should assume Maximizer 11 will probably be supported for 6-12 months but I should like to make clear that this is simply a guess on our part.

Maximizer 12 is now normally sold with Software Assurance included so if you upgrade to Maximizer 12 this should be less of an issue in future as the maintenance will automatically entitle you to the next version at a minimal cost (ie within the annual maintenance fee). You can purchase upgrades from Advoco Solutions
Last edited by advocosolutions

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