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I have installed Maximizer on the server, but it's not a domain environment. and I can access the address book through webaccess.

But after installing the workstation version on another computer, I can see the global address book, but whenever I try to connect, it gave me error "The server is not running"

I tried to connect to the database through sql server management studio. I can connect to the server without problem, but when I double click on MaConfig table, it says "The database MaConfig is not accessible. (ObjectExplorer)" I noticed that when I use Windows authentication to connect, my username is the local username even though it's the same as the username I created on the server. but I don't know how to change the login name when start sql server management studio.

can someone help me? Thanks!
Original Post
It would appear from your description that you are attempting to install Group edition of Maximizer. The problems are very likely arising from the fact that your workstation is not authenticated in your domain. These problems can also be firewall related but in this case I think authentication is the issue. If you have a domain (which it appears you do) then it is much better if the workstations are a part of the domain as access to MaConfig is dependant on authenticated guest access.

We could help you diagnose and resolve your installation issues as a consultancy task. There is more to the installation of Maximizer than just running the kit which is why Maximizer Software recommend the product is installed by a trained consultant.

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